A-Scows and E-Scows Inland Championship at Clear Lake Yacht Club


The A-Scows and E-Scows Inland Championship just came to an end at the iconic Clear Lake Yacht Club in Iowa. The competition was great, with some great teams attending the events. Once more we brought RaceSense to the table and the seamless integration of this cutting-edge technology allowed sailors to have a more fair and better competition.

Some key highlights: on day 2 of the E-Scows Inland Nationals, the winds picked up, threatening to cut short the racing. However, thanks to RaceSense, the Race Committee was able to squeeze in three races before the breeze became too strong, as general recalls were no longer necessary. Sailors who were OCS were immediately signaled and only needed to go back and clear the line, saving a significant amount of time.

RaceSense also kept the racing fair and transparent. Multiple top-5 teams were called OCS but were able to recover quickly and still score podium finishes. 

Feedback from sailors on the instrumentation and RaceSense has been overwhelmingly positive. Josh Lacroix from Team Black Diamond praised the reliability of the devices, stating, “8 race regatta used 19% battery on Vakaros. That’s pretty amazing and great. No need to ever worry about charging."

Skipper Tim Krech of Team Ice Berg shared how RaceSense was a game-changer for their team: "It’s a regatta saver. Just finished E Scow ILYA Inland’s with 8 solid races in medium to big breeze. Would have been 5 races without RaceSense. Immediate OCS notification saved us in Race 6, and we climbed back to a top 5 finish. First regatta where we filled the race card, hit all the socials, and even had quality downtime in between."

Tom Burton noted that the 2024 Inland Championship was his first time using Vakaros' Atlas 2 with RaceSense: “The 2024 Inland Championship was the first time I’ve used Vakaros’ Atlas 2 with the Vakaros RaceSense. When engaged, the Vakaros RaceSense shows the distance to the starting line and time to start. Every skipper knows immediately if your boat is over the starting line. It is very unlikely that we could have sailed 8 races and have no general recalls without this system. Finally, with Race Sense one no longer needs to ‘round an end’ if OCS but only needs to dip below the line before resuming racing.”

Douglas Wake, events director at Vakaros, summed up the event: "We’ve run three Inland Championships with RaceSense this year in as many different fleets: we haven’t had a single general recall in any of those regattas. RaceSense has enabled 6+ additional races. This has changed the game, and we hope the Inland is ready for more!"