Preparing for your first RaceSense Event

It's 2024. You sail to the race area and your instrument automatically checks you in. There's no need to ping the line: the locations of each end of the line transmit to your device in real time. Your timer starts automatically, in sync with the entire fleet. The start gun sounds: you don't have to wait to hear a muffled VHF calling you over or clear: your Atlas 2 or Atlas Edge tells you that immediately. And when you cross the finish line, you are scored accurately, down to the millisecond, no matter how many boats are finishing together.

Welcome to the world of RaceSense, the most widely used race management technology in the world. Not sure what to expect? Here’s how to get ready:

Your instrument
RaceSense relies on an Atlas 2 or Atlas Edge installed on each boat, in a location and manner specified by the event. Don’t have one? Don’t worry – most events offer an option to rent an instrument for a small fee. With 100 hours of battery life, you’ll be able to keep your instrument for the entire event. Ready for your own Atlas 2 or Atlas Edge? Order today and inquire about on-site delivery.

Learn how RaceSense works from Vakaros Events Director, Doug Wake:

Software Updates
RaceSense is improving constantly, with new features being added and a relentless focus on increasing accuracy. Look for communication ahead of the event about what software version you’ll need. In most cases, this is as simple as updating to the latest version using the Vakaros Connect app, and takes about a minute to complete. If you’re renting an instrument, it will be updated and ready to go.

The RaceSense system pairs your instrument with your registration information and sail number, allowing your boat to be identified on the race course. A Vakaros team member or representative for the event will scan the QR code on your instrument during registration to capture this information.

With registration complete, there’s really only one thing left to do–turn on your instrument, and go sailing. When you reach the racing area, you instrument will automatically join the RaceSense network. Once a start is scheduled, you’ll see synchronized timing information and hyper accurate DTL (if permitted by your event), which updates live as the line moves, helping you get a great start. OCS? You’ll know right away, with red lights and a clear display of OCS on the instrument.

Everything else you need to know:
Check out our RaceSense Sailor Guide for detailed information about RaceSense, tips, frequently asked questions, and more.

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