What is Class Compliance?

We get it - different classes have different rules. Some allow a full range of functionality from an instrument, including pinging, GPS readouts, and connecting external sensors. Some are locked down to just a compass and a timer, or perhaps even less. 

At Vakaros, we never tell a class what to allow - but we do always strive to make our instruments comply, either by letter or spirit, with any given class rule. Want to learn more? Read on for three important lessons about class compliance.

The Atlas 2 and Atlas Edge have Fully Scalable Capabilities

How can you take the same device from a Lightning regatta to a J/70 event? Scale what capabilities are allowed at a given time on your Atlas. Any feature, including GPS input, DTL, external sensor connectivity, and even magnetic heading, can be turned on or off. And, when a sensor is turned off, any Atlas 2 or Atlas Edge creates a locked log file showing what functionality was available for a given time period. So, if questions ever come up, you can ensure that a given feature was not available when you say it wasn't.

Some Classes have Verified Class Legal Profiles

In most cases, our class compliant profiles aim to comply with the published rules for a class. And in most cases, that's no issues. But, in some popular classes, we offer class compliant profiles verified by those class's measurers. These include the Lightning, Thistle, Dragon, Melges 15, and more. If you want to verify your class, put us in touch with your class measurer or technical chair - we're happy to make sure everything is squared away!


Some classes have antiquated rules, or rules that the Atlas 2 or Atlas Edge may never meet. So, in any feature-restricted class, we always recommend checking with your class measurer or TC to determine if your device can be used while racing. The Atlas 2 or Atlas Edge are never legal for sanctioned racing, unless expressly permitted in classes including the ILCA, Snipe, 420, 470, 49er and FX, and Nacra 17. And, if the answer is that no, you cannot use your Atlas, start the discussion about legalization in your class - there's no reason you should have to own multiple devices to offer the same set of functions!